
cancer June 21 - July 22

You'll grow tired of other people's problems when the Taurus sun and Sagittarius moon form an unbalanced aspect, but try not to lose touch with your sense of compassion. If dealing with people starts to feel overwhelming, find escape through your to-do lists. Don't hesitate to set boundaries with anyone who turns to you repeatedly for damage control, understanding that everyone must learn to stand on their own. However, it'll be important to participate in team dynamics in which everyone can benefit. Strategize your next steps when it comes to your grandest dreams when the Nodes of Fate stir tonight.
Embrace your favorite Saturday morning routines as the Sagittarius moon blows a kiss to Chiron, dear Cancer, especially the ones that promote healthy living. Remember that life is meant to be shared and celebrated, but that it's okay to take a social breather if you'd rather tend to your overall wellness. Watch out for unexpected visitors or social media distractions when Uranus and Jupiter stir, taking care not to get wrapped up in other people's messes. A strange energy fills the air as the day comes to a close and Luna aspects Mars, Neptune, and Venus, and it may be wise to lay low while embracing spiritual practices.